Title: | Statistical Transformations for Post-Processing Climate Model Output |
Description: | Empirical adjustment of the distribution of variables originating from (regional) climate model simulations using quantile mapping. |
Authors: | Lukas Gudmundsson [aut, cre]
Maintainer: | Lukas Gudmundsson <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL (>= 2) |
Version: | 1.0-6 |
Built: | 2025-02-27 07:17:53 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/cran/qmap |
Empirical adjustment (bias correction) of variables originating from
(regional) climate model simulations using quantile mapping. The
workhorse functions of this package are fitQmap
which offer an easy to use interface to different
statistical transformations, also referred to as quantile mapping
Package: | qmap |
Type: | Package |
Version: | 1.0-4 |
Date: | 2016-05-03 |
License: | GPL >= 2 |
LazyLoad: | yes |
Lukas Gudmundsson
Gudmundsson, L.; Bremnes, J. B.; Haugen, J. E. & Engen-Skaugen, T. Technical Note: Downscaling RCM precipitation to the station scale using statistical transformations - a comparison of methods. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 2012, 16, 3383-3390, <doi:10.5194/hess-16-3383-2012>.
Density, distribution function, quantile function and random
generation for the Bernoulli-Exponential distribution with parameters
, and rate
dbernexp(x, prob, rate) pbernexp(q, prob, rate) qbernexp(p, prob, rate) rbernexp(n, prob, rate)
dbernexp(x, prob, rate) pbernexp(q, prob, rate) qbernexp(p, prob, rate) rbernexp(n, prob, rate)
x , q
vector of quantiles. |
p |
vector of probabilities. |
prob |
probability of non-zero event. |
n |
number of random samples. |
rate |
rate parameter of the Exponential distribution. |
Mixture of the Bernoulli and the Exponential distribution. The mixture
is analogue to the one described for the berngamma
gives the density (pdf), pbernexp
the distribution function (cdf), qbernexp
gives the
quantile function (inverse cdf), and rbernexp
random numbers.
Lukas Gudmundsson
data(obsprecip) (ts <- startbernexp(obsprecip[,1])) hist(obsprecip[,1],freq=FALSE) lines(seq(0,max(obsprecip[,1])), dbernexp(seq(0,max(obsprecip[,1])), prob=ts$prob, rate=ts$rate), col="red") pp <- seq(0.01,0.99,by=0.01) qq <-quantile(obsprecip[,1],probs=pp) plot(qq,pp) lines(qbernexp(pp, prob=ts$prob, rate=ts$rate), pp,col="red") plot(qq,pp) lines(qq, pbernexp(qq, prob=ts$prob, rate=ts$rate), col="red") hist(rbernexp(1000,prob=ts$prob, rate=ts$rate),freq=FALSE)
data(obsprecip) (ts <- startbernexp(obsprecip[,1])) hist(obsprecip[,1],freq=FALSE) lines(seq(0,max(obsprecip[,1])), dbernexp(seq(0,max(obsprecip[,1])), prob=ts$prob, rate=ts$rate), col="red") pp <- seq(0.01,0.99,by=0.01) qq <-quantile(obsprecip[,1],probs=pp) plot(qq,pp) lines(qbernexp(pp, prob=ts$prob, rate=ts$rate), pp,col="red") plot(qq,pp) lines(qq, pbernexp(qq, prob=ts$prob, rate=ts$rate), col="red") hist(rbernexp(1000,prob=ts$prob, rate=ts$rate),freq=FALSE)
Density, distribution function, quantile function and random
generation for the Bernoulli-Gamma distribution with parameters
, shape
, and scale
dberngamma(x, prob, scale, shape) pberngamma(q, prob, scale, shape) qberngamma(p, prob, scale, shape) rberngamma(n, prob, scale, shape)
dberngamma(x, prob, scale, shape) pberngamma(q, prob, scale, shape) qberngamma(p, prob, scale, shape) rberngamma(n, prob, scale, shape)
x , q
vector of quantiles. |
p |
vector of probabilities. |
prob |
probability of non-zero event. |
n |
number of random samples. |
scale , shape
shape and scale parameters of the gamma distribution. |
Mixture of the Bernoulli and the Gamma distribution. The Bernoulli
distribution is used to model the occurrence of zero values with the
probability of 1-prob
. Non-zero values follow the Gamma
distribution with shape
and scale
The probability density function (PDF) is defined as:
where is the probability density function of
the gamma distribution and
is probability of a non-zero
The cumulative distribution function (CDF) is defined as:
where is the cumulative distribution
function of the gamma distribution.
The quantile function (inverse of the CDF) is defined as
where is the inverse CDF of the
gamma distribution and
is a probability.
gives the density (pdf), pberngamma
the distribution function (cdf), qberngamma
gives the
quantile function (inverse cdf), and rberngamma
random deviates.
The implementation is largely based on the bgamma
family in
-package (Cannon, 2012) that was only available as
test version at time of implementation (Mar. 2012).
For further details and meteorological application of Bernoulli-Gamma distributions (also referred to as 'Mixed Gamma' distribution) see Burger et al. 2012, Cannon 2008, Li et al. 2010, Mooley 1973, Piani et al. 2010, Thom 1968, Sloughter et al. 2007.
Lukas Gudmundsson
Burger, G.; Murdock, T. Q.; Werner, A. T.; Sobie, S. R. & Cannon, A. J. Downscaling extremes - an intercomparison of multiple statistical methods for present climate. Journal of Climate, American Meteorological Society, early online release, 2012, <doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-11-00408.1>.
Cannon, A. J. Probabilistic Multisite Precipitation Downscaling by an Expanded Bernoulli-Gamma Density Network. Journal of Hydrometeorology, American Meteorological Society, 2008, 9, 1284-1300, <doi:10.1175/2008JHM960.1>.
Cannon, A. J. Neural networks for probabilistic environmental prediction: Conditional Density Estimation Network Creation and Evaluation (CaDENCE) in R. Computers & Geosciences, 2012, 41, 126 - 135, <doi:10.1016/j.cageo.2011.08.023>.
Li, H.; Sheffield, J. & Wood, E. F. Bias correction of monthly precipitation and temperature fields from Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change AR4 models using equidistant quantile matching. J. Geophys. Res., AGU, 2010, 115, D10101, <doi:10.1029/2009JD012882>.
Mooley, D. A. Gamma Distribution Probability Model for Asian Summer Monsoon Monthly Rainfall. Monthly Weather Review, 1973, 101, 160-176, <doi:10.1175/1520-0493(1973)101<0160:GDPMFA>2.3.CO;2>.
Piani, C.; Haerter, J. & Coppola, E. Statistical bias correction for daily precipitation in regional climate models over Europe. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 2010, 99, 187-192, <doi:10.1007/s00704-009-0134-9>.
Thom, H. C. S. Approximate convolution of the gamma and mixed gamma distributions. Monthly Weather Review, 1968, 96, 883-886, <doi:10.1175/1520-0493(1968)096<0883:ACOTGA>2.0.CO;2>.
Sloughter, J. M. L.; Raftery, A. E.; Gneiting, T. & Fraley, C. Probabilistic Quantitative Precipitation Forecasting Using Bayesian Model Averaging. Monthly Weather Review, 2007, 135, 3209-3220, <doi:10.1175/MWR3441.1>.
data(obsprecip) (ts <- startberngamma(obsprecip[,1])) hist(obsprecip[,1],freq=FALSE) lines(seq(0,20),dberngamma(0:20, prob=ts$prob, scale=ts$scale, shape=ts$shape), col="red") pp <- seq(0.01,0.99,by=0.01) qq <-quantile(obsprecip[,1],probs=pp) plot(qq,pp) lines(qberngamma(pp, prob=ts$prob, scale=ts$scale, shape=ts$shape), pp,col="red") plot(qq,pp) lines(qq, pberngamma(qq, prob=ts$prob, scale=ts$scale, shape=ts$shape), col="red") hist(rberngamma(1000, prob=ts$prob, scale=ts$scale, shape=ts$shape),freq=FALSE)
data(obsprecip) (ts <- startberngamma(obsprecip[,1])) hist(obsprecip[,1],freq=FALSE) lines(seq(0,20),dberngamma(0:20, prob=ts$prob, scale=ts$scale, shape=ts$shape), col="red") pp <- seq(0.01,0.99,by=0.01) qq <-quantile(obsprecip[,1],probs=pp) plot(qq,pp) lines(qberngamma(pp, prob=ts$prob, scale=ts$scale, shape=ts$shape), pp,col="red") plot(qq,pp) lines(qq, pberngamma(qq, prob=ts$prob, scale=ts$scale, shape=ts$shape), col="red") hist(rberngamma(1000, prob=ts$prob, scale=ts$scale, shape=ts$shape),freq=FALSE)
Density, distribution function, quantile function and random
generation for the Bernoulli-Log-Normal distribution with parameters
, meanlog
, and sdlog
dbernlnorm(x, prob, meanlog, sdlog) pbernlnorm(q, prob, meanlog, sdlog) qbernlnorm(p, prob, meanlog, sdlog) rbernlnorm(n, prob, meanlog, sdlog)
dbernlnorm(x, prob, meanlog, sdlog) pbernlnorm(q, prob, meanlog, sdlog) qbernlnorm(p, prob, meanlog, sdlog) rbernlnorm(n, prob, meanlog, sdlog)
x , q
vector of quantiles. |
p |
vector of probabilities. |
prob |
probability of non-zero event. |
n |
number of random samples. |
meanlog , sdlog
meanlog and sdlog parameters of the Log-Normal distribution. |
Mixture of Bernoulli and Log-Normal distribution. The mixture is analogue
to the one described for the berngamma
gives the density (pdf), pbernlnorm
the distribution function (cdf), qbernlnorm
gives the
quantile function (inverse cdf), and rbernlnorm
random deviates.
The implementation is largely based on the blnorm
family in
-package (Cannon, 2012) that was only available as
test version at time of implementation (Mar. 2012).
Lukas Gudmundsson
Cannon, A. J. Neural networks for probabilistic environmental prediction: Conditional Density Estimation Network Creation and Evaluation (CaDENCE) in R. Computers & Geosciences, 2012, 41, 126 - 135, <doi:10.1016/j.cageo.2011.08.023>.
data(obsprecip) (ts <- startbernlnorm(obsprecip[,1])) hist(obsprecip[,1],freq=FALSE) lines(seq(0,20),dbernlnorm(0:20, prob=ts$prob, meanlog=ts$meanlog, sdlog=ts$sdlog), col="red") pp <- seq(0.01,0.99,by=0.01) qq <-quantile(obsprecip[,1],probs=pp) plot(qq,pp) lines(qbernlnorm(pp, prob=ts$prob, meanlog=ts$meanlog, sdlog=ts$sdlog), pp,col="red") plot(qq,pp) lines(qq, pbernlnorm(qq, prob=ts$prob, meanlog=ts$meanlog, sdlog=ts$sdlog), col="red") hist(rbernlnorm(1000,prob=ts$prob, meanlog=ts$meanlog, sdlog=ts$sdlog),freq=FALSE)
data(obsprecip) (ts <- startbernlnorm(obsprecip[,1])) hist(obsprecip[,1],freq=FALSE) lines(seq(0,20),dbernlnorm(0:20, prob=ts$prob, meanlog=ts$meanlog, sdlog=ts$sdlog), col="red") pp <- seq(0.01,0.99,by=0.01) qq <-quantile(obsprecip[,1],probs=pp) plot(qq,pp) lines(qbernlnorm(pp, prob=ts$prob, meanlog=ts$meanlog, sdlog=ts$sdlog), pp,col="red") plot(qq,pp) lines(qq, pbernlnorm(qq, prob=ts$prob, meanlog=ts$meanlog, sdlog=ts$sdlog), col="red") hist(rbernlnorm(1000,prob=ts$prob, meanlog=ts$meanlog, sdlog=ts$sdlog),freq=FALSE)
Density, distribution function, quantile function and random
generation for the Bernoulli-Weibull distribution with parameters
, shape
, and scale
dbernweibull(x, prob, scale, shape) pbernweibull(q, prob, scale, shape) qbernweibull(p, prob, scale, shape) rbernweibull(n, prob, scale, shape)
dbernweibull(x, prob, scale, shape) pbernweibull(q, prob, scale, shape) qbernweibull(p, prob, scale, shape) rbernweibull(n, prob, scale, shape)
x , q
vector of quantiles. |
p |
vector of probabilities. |
prob |
probability of non-zero event. |
n |
number of random samples. |
scale , shape
shape and scale parameters of the weibull distribution. |
Mixture of Bernoulli and Weibull distribution. The mixture is analogue
to the one described for the berngamma
gives the density (pdf), pbernweibull
the distribution function (cdf), qbernweibull
gives the
quantile function (inverse cdf), and rbernweibull
random deviates.
The implementation is largely based on the bweibull
family in
-package (Cannon, 2012) that was only available as
test version at time of implementation (Mar. 2012).
Lukas Gudmundsson
Cannon, A. J. Neural networks for probabilistic environmental prediction: Conditional Density Estimation Network Creation and Evaluation (CaDENCE) in R. Computers & Geosciences, 2012, 41, 126 - 135, <doi:10.1016/j.cageo.2011.08.023>.
data(obsprecip) (ts <- startbernweibull(obsprecip[,1])) hist(obsprecip[,1],freq=FALSE) lines(seq(0,max(obsprecip[,1])), dbernweibull(seq(0,max(obsprecip[,1])), prob=ts$prob, shape=ts$shape, scale=ts$scale), col="red") pp <- seq(0.01,0.99,by=0.01) qq <-quantile(obsprecip[,1],probs=pp) plot(qq,pp) lines(qbernweibull(pp, prob=ts$prob, scale=ts$scale, shape=ts$shape), pp,col="red") plot(qq,pp) lines(qq, pbernweibull(qq, prob=ts$prob, scale=ts$scale, shape=ts$shape), col="red") hist(rbernweibull(1000,prob=ts$prob, shape=ts$shape, scale=ts$scale),freq=TRUE)
data(obsprecip) (ts <- startbernweibull(obsprecip[,1])) hist(obsprecip[,1],freq=FALSE) lines(seq(0,max(obsprecip[,1])), dbernweibull(seq(0,max(obsprecip[,1])), prob=ts$prob, shape=ts$shape, scale=ts$scale), col="red") pp <- seq(0.01,0.99,by=0.01) qq <-quantile(obsprecip[,1],probs=pp) plot(qq,pp) lines(qbernweibull(pp, prob=ts$prob, scale=ts$scale, shape=ts$shape), pp,col="red") plot(qq,pp) lines(qq, pbernweibull(qq, prob=ts$prob, scale=ts$scale, shape=ts$shape), col="red") hist(rbernweibull(1000,prob=ts$prob, shape=ts$shape, scale=ts$scale),freq=TRUE)
identifyes the parameters of different quantile mapping
methods. doQmap
performs quantile mapping using previously
identified parameters.
fitQmap(obs,mod,method=c("PTF","DIST","RQUANT","QUANT","SSPLIN"),...) doQmap(x, fobj, ...)
fitQmap(obs,mod,method=c("PTF","DIST","RQUANT","QUANT","SSPLIN"),...) doQmap(x, fobj, ...)
obs |
mod |
method |
A character string indicating the method to be used. See Details. |
x |
fobj |
output from |
... |
arguments passed to the method specified by |
The method
argument decides upon which method for quantile
mapping is used:
selects fitQmapPTF
selects fitQmapDIST
selects fitQmapRQUANT
selects fitQmapQUANT
selects fitQmapSSPLIN
investigates the class of fobj
and chooses the
appropriate method for quantile mapping.
returns an object which class and structure depends on
the selected method
(see Details).
returns a numeric
vector, matrix
depending on the format of x
Lukas Gudmundsson
Gudmundsson, L.; Bremnes, J. B.; Haugen, J. E. & Engen-Skaugen, T. Technical Note: Downscaling RCM precipitation to the station scale using statistical transformations - a comparison of methods, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 2012, 16, 3383-3390, <doi:10.5194/hess-16-3383-2012>.
, fitQmapPTF
, fitQmapQUANT
data(obsprecip) data(modprecip) ## call to fitQmapPTF and doQmapPTF qm1.fit <- fitQmap(obsprecip,modprecip, method="PTF", transfun="expasympt", cost="RSS",wett.day=TRUE) qm1 <- doQmap(modprecip,qm1.fit) ## call to fitQmapDIST and doQmapDIST qm2.fit <- fitQmap(sqrt(obsprecip),sqrt(modprecip), method="DIST",qstep=0.001, transfun="berngamma") qm2 <- doQmap(sqrt(modprecip),qm2.fit)^2 ## call to fitQmapRQUANT and doQmapRQUANT qm3.fit <- fitQmap(obsprecip,modprecip, method="RQUANT",qstep=0.01) qm3 <- doQmap(modprecip,qm3.fit,type="linear") ## call to fitQmapRQUANT and doQmapRQUANT qm4.fit <- fitQmap(obsprecip,modprecip, method="QUANT",qstep=0.01) qm4 <- doQmap(modprecip,qm4.fit,type="tricub") ## call to fitQmapSSPLIN and doQmapSSPLIN qm5.fit <- fitQmap(obsprecip,modprecip,qstep=0.01, method="SSPLIN") qm5 <- doQmap(modprecip,qm5.fit) sqrtquant <- function(x,qstep=0.001){ qq <- quantile(x,prob=seq(0,1,by=qstep)) sqrt(qq) } op <- par(mfrow=c(1,3)) for(i in 1:3){ plot(sqrtquant(modprecip[,i]), sqrtquant(obsprecip[,i]),pch=19,col="gray", main=names(obsprecip)[i]) lines(sqrtquant(modprecip[,i]), sqrtquant(qm1[,i]),col=1) lines(sqrtquant(modprecip[,i]), sqrtquant(qm2[,i]),col=2) lines(sqrtquant(modprecip[,i]), sqrtquant(qm3[,i]),col=3) lines(sqrtquant(modprecip[,i]), sqrtquant(qm4[,i]),col=4) lines(sqrtquant(modprecip[,i]), sqrtquant(qm5[,i]),col=5) } legend("topleft", legend=c("PTF","DIST","RQUANT","QUANT","SSPLIN"), lty=1, col=1:5) par(op)
data(obsprecip) data(modprecip) ## call to fitQmapPTF and doQmapPTF qm1.fit <- fitQmap(obsprecip,modprecip, method="PTF", transfun="expasympt", cost="RSS",wett.day=TRUE) qm1 <- doQmap(modprecip,qm1.fit) ## call to fitQmapDIST and doQmapDIST qm2.fit <- fitQmap(sqrt(obsprecip),sqrt(modprecip), method="DIST",qstep=0.001, transfun="berngamma") qm2 <- doQmap(sqrt(modprecip),qm2.fit)^2 ## call to fitQmapRQUANT and doQmapRQUANT qm3.fit <- fitQmap(obsprecip,modprecip, method="RQUANT",qstep=0.01) qm3 <- doQmap(modprecip,qm3.fit,type="linear") ## call to fitQmapRQUANT and doQmapRQUANT qm4.fit <- fitQmap(obsprecip,modprecip, method="QUANT",qstep=0.01) qm4 <- doQmap(modprecip,qm4.fit,type="tricub") ## call to fitQmapSSPLIN and doQmapSSPLIN qm5.fit <- fitQmap(obsprecip,modprecip,qstep=0.01, method="SSPLIN") qm5 <- doQmap(modprecip,qm5.fit) sqrtquant <- function(x,qstep=0.001){ qq <- quantile(x,prob=seq(0,1,by=qstep)) sqrt(qq) } op <- par(mfrow=c(1,3)) for(i in 1:3){ plot(sqrtquant(modprecip[,i]), sqrtquant(obsprecip[,i]),pch=19,col="gray", main=names(obsprecip)[i]) lines(sqrtquant(modprecip[,i]), sqrtquant(qm1[,i]),col=1) lines(sqrtquant(modprecip[,i]), sqrtquant(qm2[,i]),col=2) lines(sqrtquant(modprecip[,i]), sqrtquant(qm3[,i]),col=3) lines(sqrtquant(modprecip[,i]), sqrtquant(qm4[,i]),col=4) lines(sqrtquant(modprecip[,i]), sqrtquant(qm5[,i]),col=5) } legend("topleft", legend=c("PTF","DIST","RQUANT","QUANT","SSPLIN"), lty=1, col=1:5) par(op)
fits a theoretical distribution to observed and to
modelled time series and returns these parameters as well as a
transfer function derived from the distribution. doQmapDIST
uses the transfer function to transform the distribution of the
modelled data to match the distribution of the observations.
fitQmapDIST(obs, mod, ...) ## Default S3 method: fitQmapDIST(obs,mod,distr="berngamma",start.fun, qstep=NULL,mlepar,...) ## S3 method for class 'matrix' fitQmapDIST(obs, mod, ...) ## S3 method for class 'data.frame' fitQmapDIST(obs, mod, ...) doQmapDIST(x,fobj,...) ## Default S3 method: doQmapDIST(x,fobj,...) ## S3 method for class 'matrix' doQmapDIST(x,fobj,...) ## S3 method for class 'data.frame' doQmapDIST(x,fobj,...)
fitQmapDIST(obs, mod, ...) ## Default S3 method: fitQmapDIST(obs,mod,distr="berngamma",start.fun, qstep=NULL,mlepar,...) ## S3 method for class 'matrix' fitQmapDIST(obs, mod, ...) ## S3 method for class 'data.frame' fitQmapDIST(obs, mod, ...) doQmapDIST(x,fobj,...) ## Default S3 method: doQmapDIST(x,fobj,...) ## S3 method for class 'matrix' doQmapDIST(x,fobj,...) ## S3 method for class 'data.frame' doQmapDIST(x,fobj,...)
obs |
mod |
distr |
A character string |
start.fun |
function estimating starting values for parameter
optimisation. Default starting values are provided for
qstep |
mlepar |
a named list. Names correspond to parameters passed to
x |
fobj |
output from |
... |
Further arguments passed to methods |
Quantile mapping using distribution derived transformations to adjust
the distribution of a modelled variable () such that it
matches the distribution of an observed variable (
). The
distribution derived transfer function is defined as
where is a CDF and
is the corresponding quantile
function (inverse CDF). The subscripts
parameters of the distribution that correspond to observed and
modelled data respectively.
returns an object of class fitQmapDIST
containing following elements:
tfun |
The function used to transform the distribution of
modelled values such that the distribution of observations. The
function is build internally based on the distribution function
("pname") and quantile function ("qname") corresponding to
par |
A matrix. The (named) columns correspond to the parameters
of the distribution specified in |
returns a numeric
vector, matrix
depending on the format of x
Lukas Gudmundsson
Piani, C.; Haerter, J. & Coppola, E. Statistical bias correction for daily precipitation in regional climate models over Europe. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 2010, 99, 187-192, <doi:10.1007/s00704-009-0134-9>.
Li, H.; Sheffield, J. & Wood, E. F. Bias correction of monthly precipitation and temperature fields from Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change AR4 models using equidistant quantile matching. J. Geophys. Res., 2010, 115, D10101, <doi:10.1029/2009JD012882>.
Ines, A. V. & Hansen, J. W. Bias correction of daily GCM rainfall for crop simulation studies. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2006, 138, 44 - 53, <doi:10.1016/j.agrformet.2006.03.009>.
For a general assessment of the methods see:
Gudmundsson, L.; Bremnes, J. B.; Haugen, J. E. & Engen-Skaugen, T. Technical Note: Downscaling RCM precipitation to the station scale using statistical transformations - a comparison of methods. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 2012, 16, 3383-3390, <doi:10.5194/hess-16-3383-2012>.
, startberngamma
, startbernweibull
, startbernlnorm
, startbernexp
, mledist
data(obsprecip) data(modprecip) qm.fit <- fitQmapDIST(obsprecip[,1],modprecip[,1], distr="berngamma", qstep=0.001) qm <- doQmapDIST(modprecip[,1],qm.fit) # adjusting settings of the maximum likelyhood estimator # here changing the convergence criterion in the optimizer 'optim' # Note: the selected value might be to large for true applications. # Please check for your context. qm.lnorm.fit <- fitQmapDIST(obsprecip[,1],modprecip[,1], distr="bernlnorm", qstep=0.001, mlepar = list(control = list( reltol = 1e-2 ))) qm.lnorm <- doQmapDIST(modprecip[,1],qm.lnorm.fit) qm.weibu.fit <- fitQmapDIST(obsprecip[,1],modprecip[,1], distr="bernweibull", qstep=0.001) qm.weibu <- doQmapDIST(modprecip[,1],qm.weibu.fit) qm.exp.fit <- fitQmapDIST(sqrt(obsprecip[,1]),sqrt(modprecip[,1]), distr="bernexp", qstep=0.001) qm.exp <- doQmapDIST(sqrt(modprecip[,1]),qm.exp.fit)^2 ## utility function. ## plots are easier to investigate if ## precipitation data are sqrt transformed sqrtquant <- function(x,qstep=0.01){ qq <- quantile(x,prob=seq(0,1,by=qstep)) sqrt(qq) } plot(sqrtquant(modprecip[,1]), sqrtquant(obsprecip[,1])) lines(sqrtquant(modprecip[,1]), sqrtquant(qm),col="red") lines(sqrtquant(modprecip[,1]), sqrtquant(qm.lnorm),col="blue") lines(sqrtquant(modprecip[,1]), sqrtquant(qm.weibu),col="green") lines(sqrtquant(modprecip[,1]), sqrtquant(qm.exp),col="orange") legend("topleft", legend=c("berngamma","bernlnorm","bernweibull","bernexp"), lty=1, col=c("red","blue","green","orange")) ## effect of qstep on speed of fitting process: system.time( qm.a.fit <- fitQmapDIST(obsprecip[,2],modprecip[,2], distr="berngamma", start.fun=startberngamma, qstep=0.001) ) system.time( qm.b.fit <- fitQmapDIST(obsprecip[,2],modprecip[,2], distr="berngamma", start.fun=startberngamma, qstep=0.01) ) qm.a <- doQmapDIST(modprecip[,2],qm.a.fit) qm.b <- doQmapDIST(modprecip[,2],qm.b.fit) plot(sqrtquant(modprecip[,2]), sqrtquant(obsprecip[,2])) lines(sqrtquant(modprecip[,2]), sqrtquant(qm.a),col="red") lines(sqrtquant(modprecip[,2]), sqrtquant(qm.b),col="blue") legend("topleft", legend=c("qstep=0.001","qstep=0.01"), col=c("red","blue"), lty=1) ## method for matrix ## the sqrt() transformation renders the ## fitting procedure more stable qm2.fit <- fitQmapDIST(sqrt(obsprecip),sqrt(modprecip), distr="berngamma", qstep=0.001) qm2 <- doQmapDIST(sqrt(modprecip),qm2.fit)^2 if(!any(is.na(qm2.fit$par))){ op <- par(mfrow=c(1,3)) for(i in 1:3){ plot(sqrtquant(modprecip[,i]), sqrtquant(obsprecip[,i])) lines(sqrtquant(modprecip[,i]), sqrtquant(qm2[,i]),col="red") } par(op) }
data(obsprecip) data(modprecip) qm.fit <- fitQmapDIST(obsprecip[,1],modprecip[,1], distr="berngamma", qstep=0.001) qm <- doQmapDIST(modprecip[,1],qm.fit) # adjusting settings of the maximum likelyhood estimator # here changing the convergence criterion in the optimizer 'optim' # Note: the selected value might be to large for true applications. # Please check for your context. qm.lnorm.fit <- fitQmapDIST(obsprecip[,1],modprecip[,1], distr="bernlnorm", qstep=0.001, mlepar = list(control = list( reltol = 1e-2 ))) qm.lnorm <- doQmapDIST(modprecip[,1],qm.lnorm.fit) qm.weibu.fit <- fitQmapDIST(obsprecip[,1],modprecip[,1], distr="bernweibull", qstep=0.001) qm.weibu <- doQmapDIST(modprecip[,1],qm.weibu.fit) qm.exp.fit <- fitQmapDIST(sqrt(obsprecip[,1]),sqrt(modprecip[,1]), distr="bernexp", qstep=0.001) qm.exp <- doQmapDIST(sqrt(modprecip[,1]),qm.exp.fit)^2 ## utility function. ## plots are easier to investigate if ## precipitation data are sqrt transformed sqrtquant <- function(x,qstep=0.01){ qq <- quantile(x,prob=seq(0,1,by=qstep)) sqrt(qq) } plot(sqrtquant(modprecip[,1]), sqrtquant(obsprecip[,1])) lines(sqrtquant(modprecip[,1]), sqrtquant(qm),col="red") lines(sqrtquant(modprecip[,1]), sqrtquant(qm.lnorm),col="blue") lines(sqrtquant(modprecip[,1]), sqrtquant(qm.weibu),col="green") lines(sqrtquant(modprecip[,1]), sqrtquant(qm.exp),col="orange") legend("topleft", legend=c("berngamma","bernlnorm","bernweibull","bernexp"), lty=1, col=c("red","blue","green","orange")) ## effect of qstep on speed of fitting process: system.time( qm.a.fit <- fitQmapDIST(obsprecip[,2],modprecip[,2], distr="berngamma", start.fun=startberngamma, qstep=0.001) ) system.time( qm.b.fit <- fitQmapDIST(obsprecip[,2],modprecip[,2], distr="berngamma", start.fun=startberngamma, qstep=0.01) ) qm.a <- doQmapDIST(modprecip[,2],qm.a.fit) qm.b <- doQmapDIST(modprecip[,2],qm.b.fit) plot(sqrtquant(modprecip[,2]), sqrtquant(obsprecip[,2])) lines(sqrtquant(modprecip[,2]), sqrtquant(qm.a),col="red") lines(sqrtquant(modprecip[,2]), sqrtquant(qm.b),col="blue") legend("topleft", legend=c("qstep=0.001","qstep=0.01"), col=c("red","blue"), lty=1) ## method for matrix ## the sqrt() transformation renders the ## fitting procedure more stable qm2.fit <- fitQmapDIST(sqrt(obsprecip),sqrt(modprecip), distr="berngamma", qstep=0.001) qm2 <- doQmapDIST(sqrt(modprecip),qm2.fit)^2 if(!any(is.na(qm2.fit$par))){ op <- par(mfrow=c(1,3)) for(i in 1:3){ plot(sqrtquant(modprecip[,i]), sqrtquant(obsprecip[,i])) lines(sqrtquant(modprecip[,i]), sqrtquant(qm2[,i]),col="red") } par(op) }
fits a parametric transformations to the
quantile-quantile relation of observed and modelled
values. doQmapPTF
uses the transformation to adjust the
distribution of the modelled data to match the distribution of the
fitQmapPTF(obs, mod, ...) ## Default S3 method: fitQmapPTF(obs, mod, transfun=c("power","linear","expasympt", "scale","power.x0","expasympt.x0"), wet.day=TRUE, cost=c("RSS","MAE"), qstep=0.001,opar,...) ## S3 method for class 'matrix' fitQmapPTF(obs, mod, ...) ## S3 method for class 'data.frame' fitQmapPTF(obs, mod, ...) doQmapPTF(x,fobj,...) ## Default S3 method: doQmapPTF(x,fobj,...) ## S3 method for class 'matrix' doQmapPTF(x,fobj,...) ## S3 method for class 'data.frame' doQmapPTF(x,fobj,...)
fitQmapPTF(obs, mod, ...) ## Default S3 method: fitQmapPTF(obs, mod, transfun=c("power","linear","expasympt", "scale","power.x0","expasympt.x0"), wet.day=TRUE, cost=c("RSS","MAE"), qstep=0.001,opar,...) ## S3 method for class 'matrix' fitQmapPTF(obs, mod, ...) ## S3 method for class 'data.frame' fitQmapPTF(obs, mod, ...) doQmapPTF(x,fobj,...) ## Default S3 method: doQmapPTF(x,fobj,...) ## S3 method for class 'matrix' doQmapPTF(x,fobj,...) ## S3 method for class 'data.frame' doQmapPTF(x,fobj,...)
obs |
mod |
transfun |
either a character string specifying a predefined function used for
the transformation (see Details) or a function with |
wet.day |
cost |
Criterion for optimisation. "RSS" minimises the residual sum of squares and produces a least square fit. "MAE" minimises the mean absolute error, which is less sensitive to outliers. |
qstep |
opar |
a named list with arguments passed to |
x |
fobj |
output from |
... |
Further arguments passed to methods |
Before further computations the empirical cumulative distribution
functions (CDF) of the observed (obs
) and modelled (mod
) are
estimated. If !is.null(qstep)
than mod
and obs
are aggregated to quantiles before model identification as:
. If !is.null(qstep)
than mod
and obs
are sorted to produce an estimate of
the empirical CDF. In case of different length of mod
than quantile(x,probs=seq(0,1,len=n)]
is used, where
n <- min(length(obs),length(mod))
. NOTE that large values of
effectively reduce the sample-size and can be used to
speedup computations - but may render estimates less reliable.
is intended for the use for precipitation data. Wet day
correction attempts to equalise the fraction of days with
precipitation between the observed and the modelled data. If
the empirical probability of nonzero observations
is found (obs>=0
) and the corresponding modelled value is
selected as a threshold. All modelled values below this threshold are
set to zero. If wet.day
is numeric
the same procedure is
performed after setting all obs<wet.day
to zero. The
transformations are then only fitted to the portion of the
distributions corresponding to observed wet days. See Piani et. al
(2010) for further explanations.
Transformations (transfun
NOTE: If wet day correction is performed (see wet.day
), the
transformations are only fitted to the portion of the empirical CDF
with nonzero observations.
A series of predefined transformations are available and can be
accessed by setting transfun
to one of the following options
( refers to observed and
to modelled CDFs):
(exponential tendency to an asymptote):
(exponential tendency to an asymptote):
returns an object of class fitQmapPTF
containing following elements:
tfun |
The function used to transform the distribution of the modelled values to match the distribution of the observations. |
par |
A matrix. The (named) columns correspond to the parameters
of the transfer function. The rows correspond to pairs of time
series in |
wet.day |
returns a numeric
vector, matrix
depending on the format of x
Lukas Gudmundsson
The implementation is closely related to the methods published in:
Piani, C.; Weedon, G.; Best, M.; Gomes, S.; Viterbo, P.; Hagemann, S. & Haerter, J. Statistical bias correction of global simulated daily precipitation and temperature for the application of hydrological models. Journal of Hydrology, 2010, 395, 199 - 215, <doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2010.10.024>.
Dosio, A. & Paruolo, P. Bias correction of the ENSEMBLES high-resolution climate change projections for use by impact models: Evaluation on the present climate. J. Geophys. Res., AGU, 2011, 116, D16106, <doi:10.1029/2011JD015934>.
For a general assessment of the methods see:
Gudmundsson, L.; Bremnes, J. B.; Haugen, J. E. & Engen-Skaugen, T. Technical Note: Downscaling RCM precipitation to the station scale using statistical transformations - a comparison of methods. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 2012, 16, 3383-3390, <doi:10.5194/hess-16-3383-2012>.
data(obsprecip) data(modprecip) ## data.frame example qm.fit <- fitQmapPTF(obsprecip,modprecip, transfun="power.x0", cost="RSS",wet.day=TRUE, qstep=0.001) qm <- doQmapPTF(modprecip,qm.fit) ## application to "single time series" qm.b.fit <- fitQmapPTF(obsprecip[,1],modprecip[,1], transfun="expasympt.x0", cost="RSS",wet.day=0.1, qstep=0.001) qm.b <- doQmapPTF(modprecip[,1],qm.b.fit) qm.c.fit <- fitQmapPTF(obsprecip[,1],modprecip[,1], transfun="expasympt", cost="RSS",wet.day=TRUE, qstep=0.001) qm.c <- doQmapPTF(modprecip[,1],qm.c.fit) ## user defined transfer function ## and usage of the 'opar' argument ## (same as transfun="power") myff <- function(x,a,b) a*x^b qm3.fit <- fitQmapPTF(obsprecip[,1],modprecip[,1], transfun=myff, opar=list(par=c(a=1,b=1)), cost="RSS",wet.day=TRUE, qstep=0.001) qm3 <- doQmapPTF(modprecip[,1],qm3.fit) sqrtquant <- function(x,qstep=0.01){ qq <- quantile(x,prob=seq(0,1,by=qstep)) sqrt(qq) } plot(sqrtquant(modprecip[,1]), sqrtquant(obsprecip[,1])) lines(sqrtquant(modprecip[,1]), sqrtquant(qm[,1]),col="red") lines(sqrtquant(modprecip[,1]), sqrtquant(qm.b),col="blue") lines(sqrtquant(modprecip[,1]), sqrtquant(qm.c),col="green") lines(sqrtquant(modprecip[,1]), sqrtquant(qm3),col="orange") legend("topleft", legend=c("power.x0","expasympt.x0", "expasympt","myff"), col=c("red","blue","green","orange"),lty=1)
data(obsprecip) data(modprecip) ## data.frame example qm.fit <- fitQmapPTF(obsprecip,modprecip, transfun="power.x0", cost="RSS",wet.day=TRUE, qstep=0.001) qm <- doQmapPTF(modprecip,qm.fit) ## application to "single time series" qm.b.fit <- fitQmapPTF(obsprecip[,1],modprecip[,1], transfun="expasympt.x0", cost="RSS",wet.day=0.1, qstep=0.001) qm.b <- doQmapPTF(modprecip[,1],qm.b.fit) qm.c.fit <- fitQmapPTF(obsprecip[,1],modprecip[,1], transfun="expasympt", cost="RSS",wet.day=TRUE, qstep=0.001) qm.c <- doQmapPTF(modprecip[,1],qm.c.fit) ## user defined transfer function ## and usage of the 'opar' argument ## (same as transfun="power") myff <- function(x,a,b) a*x^b qm3.fit <- fitQmapPTF(obsprecip[,1],modprecip[,1], transfun=myff, opar=list(par=c(a=1,b=1)), cost="RSS",wet.day=TRUE, qstep=0.001) qm3 <- doQmapPTF(modprecip[,1],qm3.fit) sqrtquant <- function(x,qstep=0.01){ qq <- quantile(x,prob=seq(0,1,by=qstep)) sqrt(qq) } plot(sqrtquant(modprecip[,1]), sqrtquant(obsprecip[,1])) lines(sqrtquant(modprecip[,1]), sqrtquant(qm[,1]),col="red") lines(sqrtquant(modprecip[,1]), sqrtquant(qm.b),col="blue") lines(sqrtquant(modprecip[,1]), sqrtquant(qm.c),col="green") lines(sqrtquant(modprecip[,1]), sqrtquant(qm3),col="orange") legend("topleft", legend=c("power.x0","expasympt.x0", "expasympt","myff"), col=c("red","blue","green","orange"),lty=1)
estimates values of the empirical cumulative
distribution function of observed and modelled time series for
regularly spaced quantiles. doQmapQUANT
uses these estimates to
perform quantile mapping.
fitQmapQUANT(obs, mod, ...) ## Default S3 method: fitQmapQUANT(obs,mod,wet.day=TRUE,qstep=0.01, nboot = 1,...) ## S3 method for class 'matrix' fitQmapQUANT(obs, mod, ...) ## S3 method for class 'data.frame' fitQmapQUANT(obs, mod, ...) doQmapQUANT(x,fobj,...) ## Default S3 method: doQmapQUANT(x,fobj, type=c("linear","tricub"),...) ## S3 method for class 'matrix' doQmapQUANT(x,fobj,...) ## S3 method for class 'data.frame' doQmapQUANT(x,fobj,...)
fitQmapQUANT(obs, mod, ...) ## Default S3 method: fitQmapQUANT(obs,mod,wet.day=TRUE,qstep=0.01, nboot = 1,...) ## S3 method for class 'matrix' fitQmapQUANT(obs, mod, ...) ## S3 method for class 'data.frame' fitQmapQUANT(obs, mod, ...) doQmapQUANT(x,fobj,...) ## Default S3 method: doQmapQUANT(x,fobj, type=c("linear","tricub"),...) ## S3 method for class 'matrix' doQmapQUANT(x,fobj,...) ## S3 method for class 'data.frame' doQmapQUANT(x,fobj,...)
obs |
mod |
wet.day |
qstep |
a numeric value between 0 and 1. The quantile mapping is fitted only
for the quantiles defined by
nboot |
number of bootstrap samples used for estimation of the observed
quantiles. If |
x |
fobj |
output from |
type |
type of interpolation between the fitted transformed values. See details. |
... |
Further arguments passed to methods |
estimates the empirical cumulative distribution
function of mod
and obs
for the quantiles defined by
. The quantiles of mod
are estimated
using the empirical quantiles. If nboot>1
the quantiles of
are estimated as the mean of nboot
samples (if nboot>1
transforms the variable x
based on the
transformation identified using fitQmapQUANT
For all values that are not in
the transformation is
estimated using interpolation of the fitted values. Available
interpolation options are:
: linear interpolation using approx
but using the extrapolation suggested by Boe et al. (2007) for values
of x
larger than max(mod)
(constant correction).
: monotonic tricubic spline interpolation using
. Spline interpolation is performed using a
_monotone_ Hermite spline (method="monoH.FC"
is intended for the use for precipitation data. Wet day
correction attempts to equalise the fraction of days with
precipitation between the observed and the modelled data. If
the empirical probability of nonzero observations
is found (obs>=0
) and the corresponding modelled value is
selected as a threshold. All modelled values below this threshold are
set to zero. If wet.day
is numeric
the same procedure is
performed after setting all obs<wet.day
to zero.
returns an object of class fitQmapQUANT
containing following elements:
par |
A list containing: |
par$modq |
a matrix. Each column |
par$fitq |
observed empirical quantiles corresponding to |
wet.day |
returns a numeric
vector or matrix
depending on the format of x
Lukas Gudmundsson
Boe, J.; Terray, L.; Habets, F. & Martin, E. Statistical and dynamical downscaling of the Seine basin climate for hydro-meteorological studies. International Journal of Climatology, 2007, 27, 1643-1655, <doi:10.1002/joc.1602>.
For a general assessment of the methods see:
Gudmundsson, L.; Bremnes, J. B.; Haugen, J. E. & Engen-Skaugen, T. Technical Note: Downscaling RCM precipitation to the station scale using statistical transformations - a comparison of methods. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 2012, 16, 3383-3390, <doi:10.5194/hess-16-3383-2012>.
data(obsprecip) data(modprecip) qm.fit <- fitQmapQUANT(obsprecip[,2],modprecip[,2], qstep=0.1,nboot=1,wet.day=TRUE) qm.a <- doQmapQUANT(modprecip[,2],qm.fit,type="linear") qm.s <- doQmapQUANT(modprecip[,2],qm.fit,type="tricub") sqrtquant <- function(x,qstep=0.01){ qq <- quantile(x,prob=seq(0,1,by=qstep)) sqrt(qq) } plot(sqrtquant(modprecip[,2]), sqrtquant(obsprecip[,2])) lines(sqrtquant(modprecip[,2]), sqrtquant(qm.a),col="red") lines(sqrtquant(modprecip[,2]), sqrtquant(qm.s),col="blue") points(sqrt(qm.fit$par$modq),sqrt(qm.fit$par$fitq), pch=19,cex=0.5,col="green") legend("topleft", legend=c("linear","tricub","support"), lty=c(1,1,NA),pch=c(NA,NA,19), col=c("red","blue","green")) qm2.fit <- fitQmapQUANT(obsprecip,modprecip, qstep=0.01,nboot=1,wet.day=TRUE) qm2 <- doQmapQUANT(modprecip,qm2.fit,type="tricub") op <- par(mfrow=c(1,3)) for(i in 1:3){ plot(sqrtquant(modprecip[,i]), sqrtquant(obsprecip[,i]), main=names(qm2)[i]) lines(sqrtquant(modprecip[,i]), sqrtquant(qm2[,i]),col="red") points(sqrt(qm2.fit$par$modq[,i]), sqrt(qm2.fit$par$fitq[,i]), pch=19,cex=0.5,col="green") } par(op)
data(obsprecip) data(modprecip) qm.fit <- fitQmapQUANT(obsprecip[,2],modprecip[,2], qstep=0.1,nboot=1,wet.day=TRUE) qm.a <- doQmapQUANT(modprecip[,2],qm.fit,type="linear") qm.s <- doQmapQUANT(modprecip[,2],qm.fit,type="tricub") sqrtquant <- function(x,qstep=0.01){ qq <- quantile(x,prob=seq(0,1,by=qstep)) sqrt(qq) } plot(sqrtquant(modprecip[,2]), sqrtquant(obsprecip[,2])) lines(sqrtquant(modprecip[,2]), sqrtquant(qm.a),col="red") lines(sqrtquant(modprecip[,2]), sqrtquant(qm.s),col="blue") points(sqrt(qm.fit$par$modq),sqrt(qm.fit$par$fitq), pch=19,cex=0.5,col="green") legend("topleft", legend=c("linear","tricub","support"), lty=c(1,1,NA),pch=c(NA,NA,19), col=c("red","blue","green")) qm2.fit <- fitQmapQUANT(obsprecip,modprecip, qstep=0.01,nboot=1,wet.day=TRUE) qm2 <- doQmapQUANT(modprecip,qm2.fit,type="tricub") op <- par(mfrow=c(1,3)) for(i in 1:3){ plot(sqrtquant(modprecip[,i]), sqrtquant(obsprecip[,i]), main=names(qm2)[i]) lines(sqrtquant(modprecip[,i]), sqrtquant(qm2[,i]),col="red") points(sqrt(qm2.fit$par$modq[,i]), sqrt(qm2.fit$par$fitq[,i]), pch=19,cex=0.5,col="green") } par(op)
estimates the values of the quantile-quantile
relation of observed and modelled time series for regularly spaced
quantiles using local linear least square
regression. doQmapRQUANT
performs quantile mapping by
interpolating the empirical quantiles.
fitQmapRQUANT(obs, mod, ...) ## Default S3 method: fitQmapRQUANT(obs,mod,wet.day=TRUE,qstep=0.01, nlls = 10,nboot = 10,...) ## S3 method for class 'matrix' fitQmapRQUANT(obs, mod, ...) ## S3 method for class 'data.frame' fitQmapRQUANT(obs, mod, ...) doQmapRQUANT(x,fobj,...) ## Default S3 method: doQmapRQUANT(x,fobj,slope.bound=c(lower=0,upper=Inf), type=c("linear","linear2","tricub"),...) ## S3 method for class 'matrix' doQmapRQUANT(x,fobj,...) ## S3 method for class 'data.frame' doQmapRQUANT(x,fobj,...)
fitQmapRQUANT(obs, mod, ...) ## Default S3 method: fitQmapRQUANT(obs,mod,wet.day=TRUE,qstep=0.01, nlls = 10,nboot = 10,...) ## S3 method for class 'matrix' fitQmapRQUANT(obs, mod, ...) ## S3 method for class 'data.frame' fitQmapRQUANT(obs, mod, ...) doQmapRQUANT(x,fobj,...) ## Default S3 method: doQmapRQUANT(x,fobj,slope.bound=c(lower=0,upper=Inf), type=c("linear","linear2","tricub"),...) ## S3 method for class 'matrix' doQmapRQUANT(x,fobj,...) ## S3 method for class 'data.frame' doQmapRQUANT(x,fobj,...)
obs |
mod |
wet.day |
qstep |
A numeric value between 0 and 1. The values quantile-quantile plot are estimated at the position of the values defined by:
nlls |
number of nearest data points to apply in the local regression |
nboot |
number of bootstrap samples in the estimation of the
transformation. If |
x |
fobj |
output from |
slope.bound |
bounds for the slopes in case of extrapolation. Applies only if
type |
type of interpolation between the fitted transformed values. See details |
... |
Further arguments passed to methods |
produces a robust estimate of the empirical
quantile-quantile plot (QQ-plot) of mod
vs obs
for the
quantiles mod
. The corresponding value
of the quantiles of obs
is estimated using local linear least
squares regression. For each quantile of mod
the nlls
nearest data points in the QQ-plot are identified and used to fit a
local regression line. This regression line is then used to estimate
value of the quantile of obs
. The estimation is replicated for
bootstrap samples and the mean of the bootstrap
replicates is returned.
This procedure results in a table with empirical quantiles of
and a corresponding table with robust estimates of the
empirical quantiles of obs
uses the tables of robust empirical quantiles
identified using fitQmapRQUANT
to transform the variable
. For values that are not in
the transformation is
estimated using interpolation of the fitted values. Available
interpolation options are:
: linear interpolation using approx
but using the extrapolation suggested by Boe et al. (2007) for values
of x
larger than max(mod) (constant correction).
: linear interpolation using
. For any value of x
the transformation is extrapolated using the slope
of the local linear least squares regression at the outer most
: monotonic tricubic spline interpolation using
. Spline interpolation is performed using a
_monotone_ Hermite spline (method="monoH.FC"
is intended for the use for precipitation data. Wet day
correction attempts to equalise the fraction of days with
precipitation between the observed and the modelled data. If
the empirical probability of nonzero observations
is found (obs>=0
) and the corresponding modelled value is
selected as a threshold. All modelled values below this threshold are
set to zero. If wet.day
is numeric
the same procedure is
performed after setting all obs<wet.day
to zero.
returns an object of class fitQmapRQUANT
containing following elements:
par |
A list containing: |
par$modq |
a matrix. Each column
par$fitq |
the fitted values of the local linear least square regression
corresponding to |
par$slope |
a matrix. the columns correspond to the columns of |
wet.day |
returns a numeric
vector or matrix
depending on the format of x
John Bjornar Bremnes and Lukas Gudmundsson
Boe, J.; Terray, L.; Habets, F. & Martin, E. Statistical and dynamical downscaling of the Seine basin climate for hydro-meteorological studies. International Journal of Climatology, 2007, 27, 1643-1655, <doi:10.1002/joc.1602>.
data(obsprecip) data(modprecip) ## single series example qm.fit <- fitQmapRQUANT(obsprecip[,2],modprecip[,2], qstep=0.1,nboot=10,wet.day=TRUE) qm.a <- doQmapRQUANT(modprecip[,2],qm.fit,type="linear") qm.b <- doQmapRQUANT(modprecip[,2],qm.fit,type="tricub") sqrtquant <- function(x,qstep=0.01){ qq <- quantile(x,prob=seq(0,1,by=qstep)) sqrt(qq) } plot(sqrtquant(modprecip[,2]), sqrtquant(obsprecip[,2])) lines(sqrtquant(modprecip[,2]), sqrtquant(qm.a),col="red") lines(sqrtquant(modprecip[,2]), sqrtquant(qm.b),col="blue") points(sqrt(qm.fit$par$modq),sqrt(qm.fit$par$fitq), pch=19,cex=1,col="green") legend("topleft", legend=c("linear","tricub","support","data"), lty=c(1,1,NA,NA),pch=c(NA,NA,19,21), col=c("red","blue","green","black")) qm2.fit <- fitQmapRQUANT(obsprecip,modprecip, qstep=0.02,nboot=1, wet.day=TRUE) qm2 <- doQmapRQUANT(modprecip,qm2.fit,type="tricub") op <- par(mfrow=c(1,3)) for(i in 1:3){ plot(sqrtquant(modprecip[,i]), sqrtquant(obsprecip[,i]), main=names(qm2)[i]) lines(sqrtquant(modprecip[,i]), sqrtquant(qm2[,i]),col="red") points(sqrt(qm2.fit$par$modq[,i]), sqrt(qm2.fit$par$fitq[,i]), pch=19,cex=0.5,col="green") } par(op)
data(obsprecip) data(modprecip) ## single series example qm.fit <- fitQmapRQUANT(obsprecip[,2],modprecip[,2], qstep=0.1,nboot=10,wet.day=TRUE) qm.a <- doQmapRQUANT(modprecip[,2],qm.fit,type="linear") qm.b <- doQmapRQUANT(modprecip[,2],qm.fit,type="tricub") sqrtquant <- function(x,qstep=0.01){ qq <- quantile(x,prob=seq(0,1,by=qstep)) sqrt(qq) } plot(sqrtquant(modprecip[,2]), sqrtquant(obsprecip[,2])) lines(sqrtquant(modprecip[,2]), sqrtquant(qm.a),col="red") lines(sqrtquant(modprecip[,2]), sqrtquant(qm.b),col="blue") points(sqrt(qm.fit$par$modq),sqrt(qm.fit$par$fitq), pch=19,cex=1,col="green") legend("topleft", legend=c("linear","tricub","support","data"), lty=c(1,1,NA,NA),pch=c(NA,NA,19,21), col=c("red","blue","green","black")) qm2.fit <- fitQmapRQUANT(obsprecip,modprecip, qstep=0.02,nboot=1, wet.day=TRUE) qm2 <- doQmapRQUANT(modprecip,qm2.fit,type="tricub") op <- par(mfrow=c(1,3)) for(i in 1:3){ plot(sqrtquant(modprecip[,i]), sqrtquant(obsprecip[,i]), main=names(qm2)[i]) lines(sqrtquant(modprecip[,i]), sqrtquant(qm2[,i]),col="red") points(sqrt(qm2.fit$par$modq[,i]), sqrt(qm2.fit$par$fitq[,i]), pch=19,cex=0.5,col="green") } par(op)
fits a smoothing spline to the quantile-quantile
plot of observed and modelled time series. doQmapSSPLIN
the spline function to adjust the distribution of the modelled data
to match the distribution of the observations.
fitQmapSSPLIN(obs, mod, ...) ## Default S3 method: fitQmapSSPLIN(obs,mod,wet.day=TRUE,qstep=0.01, spline.par,...) ## S3 method for class 'matrix' fitQmapSSPLIN(obs, mod, ...) ## S3 method for class 'data.frame' fitQmapSSPLIN(obs, mod, ...) doQmapSSPLIN(x,fobj,...) ## Default S3 method: doQmapSSPLIN(x,fobj,...) ## S3 method for class 'matrix' doQmapSSPLIN(x,fobj,...) ## S3 method for class 'data.frame' doQmapSSPLIN(x,fobj,...)
fitQmapSSPLIN(obs, mod, ...) ## Default S3 method: fitQmapSSPLIN(obs,mod,wet.day=TRUE,qstep=0.01, spline.par,...) ## S3 method for class 'matrix' fitQmapSSPLIN(obs, mod, ...) ## S3 method for class 'data.frame' fitQmapSSPLIN(obs, mod, ...) doQmapSSPLIN(x,fobj,...) ## Default S3 method: doQmapSSPLIN(x,fobj,...) ## S3 method for class 'matrix' doQmapSSPLIN(x,fobj,...) ## S3 method for class 'data.frame' doQmapSSPLIN(x,fobj,...)
obs |
mod |
wet.day |
qstep |
spline.par |
a named list with parameters passed to |
x |
fobj |
output from |
... |
Further arguments passed to methods |
Before further computations the empirical cumulative distribution
functions (CDF) of the observed (obs
) and modelled (mod
are estimated. If !is.null(qstep)
than mod
are aggregated to quantiles before model identification as:
. If !is.null(qstep)
than mod
and obs
are sorted to produce an estimate of
the empirical CDF. In case of different length of mod
than quantile(x,probs=seq(0,1,len=n)]
is used, where
n <- min(length(obs),length(mod))
. NOTE that large values of
effectively reduce the sample-size and can be used to
speedup computations - but may render estimates less reliable.
is intended for the use for precipitation data. Wet day
correction attempts to equalise the fraction of days with
precipitation between the observed and the modelled data. If
the empirical probability of nonzero observations
is found (obs>=0
) and the corresponding modelled value is
selected as a threshold. All modelled values below this threshold are
set to zero. If wet.day
is numeric
the same procedure is
performed after setting all obs<wet.day
to zero. The
transformations are then only fitted to the portion of the
distributions corresponding to observed wet days.
returns an object of class fitQmapSSPLIN
containing following elements:
par |
A list containing objects of class |
wet.day |
returns a numeric
vector or matrix
depending on the format of x
Lukas Gudmundsson
Gudmundsson, L.; Bremnes, J. B.; Haugen, J. E. & Engen-Skaugen, T. Technical Note: Downscaling RCM precipitation to the station scale using statistical transformations - a comparison of methods. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 2012, 16, 3383-3390, <doi:10.5194/hess-16-3383-2012>.
data(obsprecip) data(modprecip) qm.a.fit <- fitQmapSSPLIN(obsprecip[,2],modprecip[,2], qstep=0.01,wet.day=TRUE) qm.a <- doQmapSSPLIN(modprecip[,2],qm.a.fit) ## example on how to use spline.par ## (this example has little effect) qm.b.fit <- fitQmapSSPLIN(obsprecip[,2],modprecip[,2], qstep=0.01,wet.day=TRUE, spline.par=list(cv=TRUE)) qm.b <- doQmapSSPLIN(modprecip[,2],qm.b.fit) sqrtquant <- function(x,qstep=0.01){ qq <- quantile(x,prob=seq(0,1,by=qstep)) sqrt(qq) } plot(sqrtquant(modprecip[,2]), sqrtquant(obsprecip[,2])) lines(sqrtquant(modprecip[,2]), sqrtquant(qm.a),col="red") lines(sqrtquant(modprecip[,2]), sqrtquant(qm.b),col="blue") legend("topleft",legend=c("cv=FALSE","cv=TRUE"), lty=1,col=c("red","blue")) qm2.fit <- fitQmapSSPLIN(obsprecip,modprecip, qstep=0.1,wet.day=TRUE) qm2 <- doQmapSSPLIN(modprecip,qm2.fit) op <- par(mfrow=c(1,3)) for(i in 1:3){ plot(sqrtquant(modprecip[,i]), sqrtquant(obsprecip[,i]), main=names(qm2)[i]) lines(sqrtquant(modprecip[,i]), sqrtquant(qm2[,i]),col="red") } par(op)
data(obsprecip) data(modprecip) qm.a.fit <- fitQmapSSPLIN(obsprecip[,2],modprecip[,2], qstep=0.01,wet.day=TRUE) qm.a <- doQmapSSPLIN(modprecip[,2],qm.a.fit) ## example on how to use spline.par ## (this example has little effect) qm.b.fit <- fitQmapSSPLIN(obsprecip[,2],modprecip[,2], qstep=0.01,wet.day=TRUE, spline.par=list(cv=TRUE)) qm.b <- doQmapSSPLIN(modprecip[,2],qm.b.fit) sqrtquant <- function(x,qstep=0.01){ qq <- quantile(x,prob=seq(0,1,by=qstep)) sqrt(qq) } plot(sqrtquant(modprecip[,2]), sqrtquant(obsprecip[,2])) lines(sqrtquant(modprecip[,2]), sqrtquant(qm.a),col="red") lines(sqrtquant(modprecip[,2]), sqrtquant(qm.b),col="blue") legend("topleft",legend=c("cv=FALSE","cv=TRUE"), lty=1,col=c("red","blue")) qm2.fit <- fitQmapSSPLIN(obsprecip,modprecip, qstep=0.1,wet.day=TRUE) qm2 <- doQmapSSPLIN(modprecip,qm2.fit) op <- par(mfrow=c(1,3)) for(i in 1:3){ plot(sqrtquant(modprecip[,i]), sqrtquant(obsprecip[,i]), main=names(qm2)[i]) lines(sqrtquant(modprecip[,i]), sqrtquant(qm2[,i]),col="red") } par(op)
Observed (obsprecip
) and simulated (modprecip
) daily
precipitation data for three locations in Norway covering the 1961 -
1990 period.
data(obsprecip) data(modprecip)
data(obsprecip) data(modprecip)
Data frame(s) with rows representing days and with the following 3 variables.
Daily Precipitation at Moss [mm/day]
Daily Precipitation at Geiranger [mm/day]
Daily Precipitation at Barkestad [mm/day]
The time series in obsprecip
stem from the observation-system
of the Norwegian Meteorological Institute.
The time series in modprecip
are based on simulations of
HIRHAM2/NorACIA regional climate model forced with simulation the
HadAM3H. The simulation setup is further described in Forland et
al. 2011. The simulations are free-running and there is consequently
no direct correspondence in the temporal evolution of modprecip
and obsprecip
NOTE that all months in the modelled data (modprecip
) have 30
days (in contrast to the observations (obsprecip
) which have
true calender days.
The observations are taken form the observation network of the Norwegian meteorological institute (https://www.met.no/).
Forland, E. J.; Benestad, R.; Hanssen-Bauer, I.; Haugen, J. E. & Skaugen, T. E. Temperature and Precipitation Development at Svalbard 1900-2100. Advances in Meteorology, 2011, Volume 2011, 893790, <doi:10.1155/2011/893790>.
data(obsprecip) data(modprecip)
data(obsprecip) data(modprecip)
Estimates rough starting values for the Bernoulli-Exponential distribution
using the method of moments for the rate
parameter. The
probability of non-zero events is estimated as the fraction of values
that are larger than zero.
x |
numeric vector. |
A list containing:
prob |
probability of non-zero event. |
rate |
rate parameter of the Exponential distribution. |
In this package startbernexp
is intended to be used in
conjunction with fitQmapDIST
(and mledist
with parameter distr="bernexp"
Lukas Gudmundsson
gg <- rbernexp(n=300, prob=0.2, rate=1) startbernexp(gg) mledist(gg,"bernexp",startbernexp(gg))
gg <- rbernexp(n=300, prob=0.2, rate=1) startbernexp(gg) mledist(gg,"bernexp",startbernexp(gg))
Estimates rough starting values for the Bernoulli-Gamma distribution
using the method of moments for the shape
and the scale
parameters. The probability of non-zero events is estimated as the
fraction of values that are larger than zero.
x |
numeric vector. |
A list containing:
prob |
probability of non-zero event. |
scale |
scale parameter of the gamma distribution. |
shape |
shape parameter of the gamma distribution. |
In this package startberngamma
is intended to be used in
conjunction with fitQmapDIST
(and mledist
with parameter distr="berngamma"
Lukas Gudmundsson
, berngamma
gg <- rberngamma(n=300, prob=0.2, scale=1, shape=1) startberngamma(gg) mledist(gg,"berngamma",startberngamma(gg))
gg <- rberngamma(n=300, prob=0.2, scale=1, shape=1) startberngamma(gg) mledist(gg,"berngamma",startberngamma(gg))
Estimates rough starting values for the Bernoulli-Log-Normal distribution
using the method of moments for the meanlog
and the sdlog
parameters. The probability of non-zero events is estimated as the
fraction of values that are larger than zero.
x |
numeric vector. |
A list containing:
prob |
probability of non-zero event. |
meanlog |
meanlog parameter of the Log-Normal distribution. |
sdlog |
sdlog parameter of the Log-Normal distribution. |
In this package startbernlnorm
is intended to be used in
conjunction with fitQmapDIST
(and mledist
with parameter distr="bernlnorm"
Lukas Gudmundsson
, bernlnorm
gg <- rbernlnorm(n=300, prob=0.2, meanlog=1, sdlog=1) startbernlnorm(gg) mledist(gg,"bernlnorm",startbernlnorm(gg))
gg <- rbernlnorm(n=300, prob=0.2, meanlog=1, sdlog=1) startbernlnorm(gg) mledist(gg,"bernlnorm",startbernlnorm(gg))
Estimates rough starting values for the Bernoulli-Weibull distribution
using the method of moments for the shape
and the scale
parameters. The probability of non-zero events is estimated as the
fraction of values that are larger than zero.
x |
numeric vector. |
A list containing:
prob |
probability of non-zero event. |
scale |
scale parameter of the weibull distribution. |
shape |
shape parameter of the weibull distribution. |
In this package startbernweibull
is intended to be used in
conjunction with fitQmapDIST
) with parameter distr="bernweibull"
Lukas Gudmundsson
, bernweibull
gg <- rbernweibull(n=300, prob=0.2, scale=1, shape=1) startbernweibull(gg) mledist(gg,"bernweibull",startbernweibull(gg))
gg <- rbernweibull(n=300, prob=0.2, scale=1, shape=1) startbernweibull(gg) mledist(gg,"bernweibull",startbernweibull(gg))